July 2024 

Top Agent Tips Content Templates

Video Posting Tips

Video Post 1 | A Picture's Worth A Thousand Dollars

To promote your Expired home sellers book

A copy of your expired book

Video Headline:
A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Dollars

Teleprompter Script

We’ve all heard the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” but what about “a picture is worth a thousand dollars”?

In the case of expired home listings, I’ve found that bad photos are one of the key contributors to a lack of interest from buyers.

Creating a good first impression is crucial to capturing a buyer's attention as they scroll through available listings.

While I always recommend hiring a professional photographer, there are a few simple things you can do to raise the level of home photos.

Pretend you’re shooting for a magazine. 

This can help you view your home in a new light and see areas that need some help and others that deserve to be highlighted.

Clean, declutter, clean, and declutter some more.

You don’t want your family photos, laundry piles, or the old torn lounge chair online for the whole world to see.

Hide the pets. 

Even if you’re the most meticulous pet owner ever, you want to avoid bringing any attention to them

Add some color. 

A few home accessories with colors that pop will go a long way.

Light it up.

Are your pictures really dark or washed out?

You can always add some lighting to brighten things up.

By doing these things you can ensure your previously passed-over listing will start catching the eyeballs of potential buyers.

Check out my book [Insert Expired Book Title Here] for more tips on selling previously expired home listings.

Click the link in the bio to claim a copy now.

Post Caption:

One of the most common things I find in homes that have failed to sell is sub-par photography.

Good listing photos are crucial to creating a good first impression with buyers as they scroll online.

Hiring a professional photographer is ideal, but if you are set on taking them yourself there are a few things to keep in mind:

✅ Pretend you’re shooting for a magazine
This can help you view your home in a new light and see areas that need some help and others that deserve to be highlighted.

✅ Clean, declutter, clean, and declutter some more
Clean your home from top to bottom until it shines. Get rid of junk. Remove clutter. Remove old and ugly furniture. Store away personal belongings. You don’t want your family photos, laundry piles, or the old torn lounge chair online for the whole world to see. 

✅ Hide the pets
Even if you’re the most meticulous pet owner ever, you want to avoid bringing any attention to them

✅ Add some color
A few home accessories with colors that pop will go a long way. For example, do you have any bright sofa pillows? How about a healthy green plant or a vase of colorful flowers strategically placed in each room?

✅ Light it up
Are your pictures really dark or washed out? Is there enough light from the windows? You can always add some lighting to brighten things up. Bright LED lamps in the corners or off-camera can add just the touch you need. 

✅ Hire a stager
If you don’t want to go through this effort on your own, you can always hire a professional stager who can come in to rearrange the furniture, or even bring in some accessories or extra pieces of furniture. 

Inside my book [Insert Expired Book Title Here], I share more tips for getting a previously unsellable home sold fast and for top dollar.

Click the link in the bio to claim a copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name real estate agent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #sellingexpiredlistings
  • #homesellertips
  • #realtor

Instagram Story Script

We’ve all heard the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” but what about “a picture is worth a thousand dollars”?

In the case of expired home listings, I’ve found that bad photos are one of the key contributors to a lack of interest from buyers.

Check out my latest post to see how you can create a better first impression with some simple photography tips.

Video Post 2 | Home Inspections

Promoting your Buyer Book

A copy of your Buyer Book

Video Headline:
Why Get A Home Inspection?

Buyer Book

Teleprompter Script

Hey, it’s [Enter Name], your [Enter City] Real Estate Agent here.

As you search for homes it’s vital to view a complete inspection report before signing the dotted line.

You don’t want to make what could be one of the largest purchases of your life, only to have to sink more money into unforeseen issues.

While home inspections cost time and money, the findings can help you come to a fairer deal with the seller or if enough red flags are raised allow you to walk away before making a huge mistake.

Check out the post along with this video to see some of the main areas of the home to focus on.

You can also see much more of my home-buying tips in my book [Enter Buyer Book Title Here].

Click the link in the bio to claim a copy now.

Post Caption:

As exciting as finding your next home is, pump the brakes and be sure to order a home inspection.

You don’t want to make what could be the largest purchase of your life only to constantly be sinking more money into problems that could have been discovered before signing on the dotted line.

Here’s an idea of what should/will be examined in a comprehensive residential inspection:

✅ Exterior: Water drainage systems and condition of outside elements, such as yard, trees, pathways, fences, decks, and stairs, including cosmetic issues.

✅ Structural elements: Construction type and notes, visible foundation and framing condition, structure’s upright position.

✅ Roof: Installation quality, visible damages, shingles, and gutters' condition.

✅ Plumbing system: Leaks, water pressure, faucets, showers, material and aging of pipes, hot water system, septic tank (if one exists).

✅ Electrical system: Electric box for condition and code, fuses, visible wiring, type and condition, and other safety issues.

✅ Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC): Chimneys, vents, house insulation, and ducting. All furnace and AC systems for age, condition, and proper functioning.

✅ Laundry room: Ventilation and dryer systems; leaks and potential fire hazards.

✅ Bathrooms: Bathtub, shower, sink, and toilet inspection. Proper ventilation and plumbing.

✅ Kitchen appliances (if part of the purchase): Properly working devices and correct installation.

✅ Fire Safety: Smoke detectors in place and operating, fireplaces, and stoves.

✅ Pest inspection. Presence of wood-boring and other insects, molds, and fungi.

Having these areas of the home checked will give you peace of mind and allow you to modify or completely walk away from a deal.

Check out more of my home-buying tips in my book [Insert Buyer Book Title].

Click the link in the bio to claim a copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • #buyersagent
  • #homebuyer
  • #homeinspection
  • #peaceofmind

Instagram Story Script

While they cost a little time and money, a home inspection is vital to making sure you’re not about to purchase a money-pit of a home.

Check out my latest post to see a list of the main areas to focus on when getting a home inspection.

Video Post 3 | ROI Upgrades

Promoting your home selling book

A copy of your sellers book

Video Headline:
What Upgrade Are Worth The ROI?

Teleprompter Script

Hey, [Enter Name] your [Enter Name] agent here.

When it comes to preparing your house for market you may be thinking about some upgrades to increase your listing price.

Now, before you start replacing countertops and flooring, it’s important to really take a look at the return on investment.

Is it really worth dropping $25k on a kitchen remodel, just to sell?

In most cases absolutely not.But updating lighting fixtures and a fresh coat of paint can make a home more inviting.

Inside Chapter 6 of my book [Enter Seller Book Title] I break down some of the top upgrades to consider and ones to avoid when preparing your home for sale.

Click the link in the bio to claim a copy now!

Post Caption

When it comes to preparing your house for market you may be thinking about making upgrades to increase your listing price.

Now, before you start replacing countertops and flooring, it’s important to really take a look at the return on investment.

Is it really worth dropping $25k on a kitchen remodel, just to sell?

In most cases absolutely not.But, updating lighting fixtures and a fresh coat of paint can make a home more inviting.

Inside Chapter 6 of my book [Enter Seller Book Title] I break down some of the top upgrades to consider and ones to avoid when preparing your home for sale.

Click the link in the bio to claim a copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #homeseller
  • #homesellingtips

Instagram Story

The goal of selling your home is to make the most amount of money in the least amount of time possible.

You may be inclined to invest in some upgrades to help your listing stand out, but be sure it’s worth the return.

Inside my book, [Enter Seller Book Title] I share tips for Upgrading With ROI In Mind.

Video Post 4 | Divorcing Homeowners

Promoting your divorce book

A copy of your Divorce Book

Video Headline:
Selling A Home After Divorce Doesn't Have To Be Difficult

Divorce Book

Teleprompter Script

Going through a divorce is stressful enough, a difficult home sale should not be added to the list of challenges. 

That’s why I offer any couples going through a divorce, a copy of my book, [Enter Divorce Book Title Here].

Many people don’t consider the fact that their home is their largest asset, and oftentimes it needs to be fairly divided in the divorce.

Inside my book, I offer some helpful tips for getting through this difficult time with ease and with as little stress as possible.

If you or someone you know is dealing with divorce and needs to sell, please don’t hesitate to send them this post. 

I am an expert at handling divorce home sales and would be happy to help.

Click the link in my bio to get a copy of my book [Enter Divorce Book Title Here].

Post Caption

Going through a divorce is brutal, but selling your home so you can both move on shouldn’t be.

I offer any couples going through a divorce, a copy of my book, Best Selling Options in a Divorce.

I am an expert at handling divorce home sales and would be happy to help. 

You can get a free copy of my Divorce Selling Tips Book on the link in my bio or DM me for more details and free consultation.

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #sellersagent
  • #sellingadivorcedhome

Instagram Story

Going through a divorce is brutal.

But selling your home so you can both move on shouldn’t be.

That’s why I specialize in helping divorcing homeowners sell, because they don’t need another thing to worry about

If you’d like to discover the best-selling options in a divorce, then go to the link in my bio to request your free copy of my book

Photo Posting Tips

Photo Post 1 | Social Media Giving Day *July 15th

Objective: July 15th is Social Media Giving Day. Use this opportunity to make a difference in the world by promoting charitable giving. Celebrating Social Media Giving Day by using social media to promote generosity and kindness through all of your platforms. Highlight a local charity or cause that you are most passionate about.

Photo Guide: Share a photo or logo of your favorite local charity.

Photo Caption

Share why this particular charity is so important to you, how they serve the community and information for anyone interested in learning more.

Hashtag Recommendations

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #GiveBack
  • #Socialmediadayofgiving
  • #[Nameofcharity]

Photo Post 2 | What Is A Credit Report?

Props and Setting: 
A copy of The Pre-Approval Guide For Home Buyers

Photo Guide:
Snap a picture reading or holding your guide

Photo Caption:

As you enter the homeownership, your credit report will be pulled as you apply form pre-approval.

Credit reports compile a variety of information that lenders use to predict whether you will pay back the loan as agreed. 

This includes:

✅ Payment History. Whether or not you pay your bills on time and in full. If you are delinquent on your bills, the creditor may report the delinquency to the credit bureaus, creating a black mark on your credit.

✅ Derogatory Marks. Bankruptcies, evictions, foreclosures, judgments and things that happen in a court.

✅ Credit Utilization. How much of your revolving credit (credit cards, lines of credit, etc.) are used. Maxing out your credit cards looks bad on this part of your report.

✅ Age of Credit History. How long each of your accounts have been open. A long credit history means a lower-risk borrower, because the lender has more data from which to evaluate their financial behavior.

✅ Number of Accounts. More accounts is seen as an indication of a reliable borrower — as long as the borrower has paid their bills on time.

✅ Hard Inquiries. More hard inquiries, or “hard pulls,” are seen as a red flag, since the borrower may be on the verge of taking on more debt than they can handle.

Be sure to check out my guide, The Pre-Approval Guide For Home Buyers for more insight on the home loan process.

Click the link in the bio to get a copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes
  • #miamihomes
  • #buyeragent
  • #homesbuyertips
  • #homebuyingtips

Instagram Story

As you enter the homeownership, your credit report will be pulled as you apply for pre-approval.

Check out my latest post where I breakdown how the report is compiled.

Photo Post 3 | Top 7 Benefits Of Owning vs Renting

Props and Setting: 
A copy of your Home Buyer Guide

Photo Guide:
Showing Off Your Home Buyer Guide

Photo Caption:

Have you been renting and are on the fence about homeownership?

Well, below are my Top 7 Benefits of Owning vs Renting

1️⃣ Build Wealth

Renting is not as financially forward-thinking as owning.. With your home payment, you are getting something in return. As you pay down your mortgage and your home appreciates in value, your net worth increases, building a legacy you can pass on to your children.

2️⃣ Stable Costs 

Whereas rents can increase every year, locking in your mortgage to a fixed payment keeps your housing cost stable — and probably lower — over time.

3️⃣ Make the Home Your Own

As a homeowner, you are free to personalize your home to your heart’s content!

4️⃣ Source of Cash

As your home appreciates, you can refinance your mortgage to pull out cash for improvements, renovations, vacations, college tuition, or passion purchases.

5️⃣ Tax Advantages

Your mortgage interest and property taxes can be deducted in April to lower your tax burden. If you sell the house for a profit, the profit may be taxed at a lower rate or even completely exempt from taxation.

6️⃣  Builds Credit

Paying your mortgage on time builds your credit score, enabling you to qualify for more loans at lower rates.

7️⃣ Possible Investment

If you move, you could always rent out the home to a tenant instead of selling, and creating cash flow.

Inside my 2023 Home Buyer Guide, I share more tips and information for anyone looking to purchase a new home.

Click the link in the bio to get your copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #homebuying
  • #buyeragent
  • #homebuying101
  • #ownvsrenting

Instagram Story

Are you renting and are on the fence about homeownership?

Well, check out my latest post to see my Top 7 Benefits of Home Ownership

Photo Post 4 | Showing Your Home In Its Best Light

Props and Setting: 
A copy of your FSBO Book

Photo Guide:
Share a photo of reading your FSBO Book
Point To Lighting Fixture Examples

Photo Caption:

Selling your home alone and struggling to get a bite?

Well, you could have overlooked a seemly simple feature.

The lighting! 💡💡💡

Lighting is an essential element to update when prepping your house for sale. 

The most important key to lighting is to be moderate and practical with your updates. 

There is no need to go overboard in spending big on lighting fixture updates. Help existing fixtures look their best.

Here are some cost-saving ideas to refurbish the good light fixtures you already have:

1️⃣ New globes give an old fixture an updated look.

2️⃣ If repairing an old fixture will cost more than replacing, replace it with something tasteful but simple.

3️⃣ Replace any light fixtures that are broken, damaged, or dangerous in any way.

4️⃣ Put in new light bulbs to brighten up rooms.

5️⃣ Thoroughly clean the fixtures you are not updating.

6️⃣ Don’t forget the outside lights!

Check out my book [Enter FSBO Book Title Here] for more tips to sell your home alone.

Click the link in the bio to get claim a copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name real estate agent #miamirealestateagent
  • #sellersagent
  • #homesellingtips
  • #fsbo
  • #fsboguide

Instagram Story

Are you selling your home alone and struggling to get a bite?

Take a look around and see if you’ve overlooked a seemly obvious feature. The lighting!

Outdated and dim lighting fixtures can be a big downer when it comes to showing off your listing. 

Check out my latest post to see how you can ensure your home is seen in its best light.