September 2024

Top Agent Tips Content Templates

Video Posting Tips

Video Post 1 | Selling An Inherited Home

Promoting your inherited home sellers book

A copy of your inherited home sellers guide book

Video Headline:
Selling Your Inherited Home

Teleprompter Script

Inheriting a home can be an overwhelming process.

You're obviously going through a loss and now you have a home that you need to sell.

It can be especially stressful if you live out of state or have multiple family members involved.

That’s why I offer my book, [Tips and Tricks For Selling Your Inherited Home] for free.

Inside this book, I break down everything you need to know about selling an inherited property.

Whether you choose to try and sell the home yourself or hire an agent, there are specific things you can do to make the process a smooth one.

I specialize in getting homes sold for top dollar and want to make sure you get the most for your newly inherited home

You can get a copy of my book, [Tips and Tricks For Selling Your Inherited Home], just click the link on my bio.

Post Caption:

Have you or someone you know recently inherited a home?

It can be an overwhelming process, but it doesn’t have to be.

I specialize in selling homes for top dollar and I want to offer your my book, Tips and Tricks For Selling Your Inherited Home.

You can get a free copy of my book on the link in my bio or DM me for more details and free consultation.

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name real estate agent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #inheritedhomes
  • #sellersagent
  • #inheritedhomesellingtips
  • #homesellingbook

Instagram Story Script

Inheriting a home can be overwhelming

Maybe you live out of state or have several family members involved.

I specialize in selling homes for top dollar and want to offer you my book, [Tips and Tricks For Selling Your Inherited Home] for free.

Just click the link in the bio to get a copy now.

Video Post 2 | Mortgage Terms Glossary

Promoting your Mortgage Terms Glossary Guide

A copy of your Mortgage Terms Glossary

Video Headline:
Financing Terms 101

Teleprompter Script

In the market to purchase a new home?

When it comes to financing there are so many terms thrown around, it can make your head spin.

I’m sure you have heard things like Pre-Approval and Fixed-Rate Mortgage, but what exactly does that mean.

I’ve made things easy for you and put together a glossary full of common terms brought up during the home financing process.

Use the guide to educate yourself and reference when going through the loan process.

Click the link on my bio to get your free copy now.

Post Caption:

Do you know the difference between a fixed-rate or conventional mortgage?

What about an adjustable-rate mortgage?

Financing a new home is full of overwhelming jargon.

That’s why I’ve made things easy and put together a glossary full of common terms brought up during the home financing process.

Use this guide to educate yourself and be a reference when going through the loan process.

Click the link on my bio to get your free copy now.

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • #preapproval
  • #preapprovedbuyers
  • #homefinancing
  • #buyersagent

Instagram Story Script

Do you know the difference between a fixed-rate and conventional mortgage?

Getting a loan for your new home is full of unfamiliar terms, so I’ve put together a handy guide to help you navigate all of the jargon.

Click the link in the bio to claim your copy of my Mortgage Terms Glossary now.

Video Post 3 | Buyer Needs vs Desires

Promoting your home buyers book

A copy of your home buyer guide book

Video Headline:
Home Buyer’s Wants vs Needs

Buyer Book

Teleprompter Script

Buying a new home is not only a big financial investment but it will also shape your lifestyle moving forward.

After you’ve decided to buy a home, what sort of home it will be is your next decision point.

It’s best to approach that decision with a concrete vision of what you want in your home, 

rather than taking the “shotgun approach” and looking at every listing in your price range.

It’s important to understand that you won’t find everything you desire in a home and if you do, you may not be able to afford it.

I always recommend prioritizing the things you want in a home by how important they are in your search.

I like to have my clients list out their needs vs desires.

For example, you might desire a pool? Is that enough that a home without one will not be looked at?

As a need, you might need to factor in your daily commute. How far are you willing to travel for work each day?

In my book, [Insert Your Book Title], I share all of my top tips for purchasing your next home.

Click the link on my bio to claim a free copy now.

Post Caption

Buying a home is an exciting time, but it can be stressful as well. There are a million things to think about that will impact your life for the foreseeable future.

When it comes to searching for homes, I always recommend my clients take time to develop a concrete vision for what they want in their next home.

Rather than wasting valuable time looking at every property in your price range, spend some time before listing out your Needs vs Desires.

For example:

You might desire a pool? Is that enough that a home without one will not be looked at?


You might need to factor in your daily commute. How far are you willing to travel for work each day?

In my book, [Insert Your Book Title], I share all of my top tips for purchasing your next home.

You can get a free copy of my book on the link in my bio or DM me for more details and free consultation.

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #sellersagent
  • #buyersagent
  • #homebuying
  • #homebuyingtips
  • #homebuying101

Instagram Story

Are you in the market for a new home?

Having a concrete vision of your future home is critical to not waste valuable time looking at every listing on the market.

In my book, [Insert Your Book Title], I break down all of my top tips for taking the stress out of purchasing a home

Click the link on my bio to claim your copy now.

Video Post 4 | FSBO Negotiating Tactics

Promoting your FSBO Book

A copy of your FSBO Book

Video Headline:
Get More Money When Selling Your Home Alone

Teleprompter Script

Hey [Your Name] here, your local [City] Realtor.

Selling a home on your own if you’ve never done it before can come with challenges.

The number one challenge is not selling yourself short and accepting the first offer you receive.

Here are five things to keep in mind when you start receiving offers for your listing, 

Accepting a low offer locks you into a contract, preventing you from accepting more offers.

By rejecting a lukewarm offer, you encourage competition and higher bidding.

Consider rejecting a low offer if your house is newly listed or you’re planning an open house soon.

Refusing to accept bids until after an open house could create a bidding war in your favor.

Setting an expiration date for your counteroffer encourages a buyer to either complete a quick sale or release you to accept more lucrative offers.

If you want more tips like those for selling your home For Sale By Owner, check out my book, [Insert Your Book Title].

Click the link on my bio to claim a copy now.

Post Caption

Selling a home on your own is exciting but can come with challenges if you’ve never done it before.

First and foremost is not selling yourself short and accepting the first offer you receive.

Here are five things to keep in mind when you start receiving offers for your listing:

#1- Accepting a low offer locks you into a contract, preventing you from accepting more offers.

#2- By rejecting a lukewarm offer, you encourage competition and higher bidding.

#3- Consider rejecting a low offer if your house is newly listed or you’re planning an open house soon.

#4- Refusing to accept bids until after an open house could create a bidding war in your favor.

#5- Setting an expiration date for your counteroffer encourages a buyer to either complete a quick sale or release you to accept more lucrative offers.

Want more tips like those? Then check out my book, Secrets For Selling Your Home Alone.

Click the link on my bio to claim a copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • #fsbo
  • #fsboguide
  • #sellinghomes
  • #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #sellersagent
  • #homesellingtips

Instagram Story

Hey [Your Name], your local [City] realtor here.

I just posted a video with my top five negotiation tips when selling your home For Sale By Owner.

Be sure to check it out and click the link on my bio to receive a copy of my book, [Insert Book Title].

Photo Posting Tips

Photo Post 1 | National Read A Book Day *Sept 6th

Objective: September 6th is National Read A Book Day. Take advantage of this opportunity to promote both your buyers and sellers books.

Photo Guide: Share a photo of all of your individual book titles laid out on a table.

Photo Caption

Did you know today is National Read A Book Day?

Whether you're in the market to buy or sell a home I have the perfect addition to your personal library.

Regardless of current market conditions, there are some things that will never change when it comes to purchasing your dream home or selling your house for top dollar.

Inside my two books [Insert Seller Book Title] and [Insert Buyer Book Title] I’m sharing my secrets.

For buyers, before you can start putting in offers you have to really weigh your needs vs desires.

For sellers, marketing is the name of the game. We have to give your listing the best first impression possible.

Both books are available for you to read now.

Click the link in my bio to claim a copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #ReadABookDay
  • #NationalReadABookDay

Photo Post 2 | 12-Steps To Buying A House For The First Time

Photo Guide: 
Share a photo of your First-Time Home Buyer book opened to the chapter titled: 12 Steps To Buying A Home.

Photo Caption:

Buying a home for the first time can be overwhelming. But, with the right preparation and understanding of the process it can be one of the most magical moments of your life.

Inside my book [Insert First Time Home Buyer Book Title], I walk buyers through everything they need to be prepared for to make this life-changing purchase a smooth one.

Here's a preview of 12 Steps To Buying A Home:

#1: Figure Out What You Can Afford (Account for Expenses)
#2: Make Sure You Can Get a Loan (Contact a Lender)
#3: Create a List of Wants and Needs
#4: Look at Homes
#5: Pick a Location
#6: Decide Home Design
#7: Contact an Agent
#8: Make an Offer
 #9: Put Money in Escrow
#10: Negotiate with the Seller
#11: The Closing Process Begins
#12: It’s Not Yours Until You Close (More on this in my book)

Click the link in my bio for a free copy of my book and get all of my top tips for making your first home purchase a memory of a lifetime. 

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor  #miamirealtor
  • City name homes  #miamihomes
  • City name realestateagent #miamiarealestateagent
  • #newhomehuyer
  • #firsttimehomebuyer

Photo Post 3 | Get Your Vacant Home Sold

Props and Setting: 

  • Vacant Book
  • Inside a vacant home

Photo Guide:

  • Take a photo standing inside a vacant home
  • Take a photo reading your vacant home sellers book

Photo Caption:

Homes become vacant for a variety of reasons and for the homeowner, it can be easier to deal with throughout the selling process.

While you aren’t having to put your life on hold while showings are taking place, there are several mistakes to avoid when selling a vacant home.


An appraisal by a professional home appraiser is a very useful tool in selling a vacant house. Having one prior to listing the home is helpful in setting the listing price, working with comparable sales and local market trends.


Keeping utility services on will help prevent weather damage. Additionally, a house without lights is difficult to show and gives buyers the impression that the house needs more repairs than it does. Keeping utilities on will make it more comfortable for anyone seeing the house. 


Ensure that all doors, windows, and garage entrances are secure in order to prevent damage from weather, squatters, trespassers, criminals, and other vandals.

You can find more tips like these in my book, [Insert Vacant Book Title].

Click the link on my bio to claim your copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • #vacanthome
  • #vacanthomeguide
  • #sellinghomes
  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name realestateagent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #sellersagent
  • #homesellingtips

Instagram Story

Do you own a vacant home and are ready to sell?

Then I want to share my book, How To Sell Your Vacant Home with you.

In it, you will find all of my top tips for getting the most money for your vacant home.

Click the link in my bio to claim yours now!

Photo Post 4 | Creating Curb Appeal


  • A copy of your home sellers book

Photo Guide:

  • Take a photo in front of a well-maintained home
  • Take a beauty shot of a home with a stunning front yard 

Photo Caption:

Someone once said, “A stunning first impression is not the same thing as love at first sight. But surely it is an invitation to consider the matter.” 

Nothing sets the tone of a relationship or encourages a transaction more than first impressions. So, always consider what a potential homebuyer may think as he or she drives up to your property for the very first time.

✅ Look at your home as a prospect would and take inventory of everything that needs attention.

✅ Low-cost investments like power washing the house and concrete, repainting trim, and adding landscaping give your house more curb appeal. 

✅ Simple improvements like weeding, trimming, and window washing can improve the appearance of a home with little to no expense.

✅ Remember, if you put money into cleaning up the outside of your home, buyers will be far more likely to want to see the inside.

Inside my book, [Insert Seller Book Title], I share all of my top tips for getting you the most money for your home.

Click the link on the bio to claim your copy now!

Hashtag Recommendations:

  • City name realtor #miamirealtor
  • City name real estate agent #miamirealestateagent
  • City name homes #miamihomes
  • #curbappeal
  • #sellinghomes
  • #sellersagent
  • #homesellingtips
  • #homesellingbook

Instagram Story

Someone once said, “A stunning first impression is not the same thing as love at first sight. But surely it is an invitation to consider the matter.” 

That is especially true when selling a home.

If you want the most money for your listing, you have to be sure prospective buyers are so impressed with the outside of the house that they want to see the inside.

Get all of my tips for creating a great first impression inside my book, [Insert Seller Book Title].

Click the link on my bio to get your copy now.